Often, lenders may not have experienced internal resources to staff an SBA Department. Kresser Corona & Associates provides an outsource solution for handling the SBA loan evaluation, underwriting, and application packaging. The primary responsibility of Kresser Corona & Associates is to ensure that the lender’s loans are properly underwritten and packaged to ensure full compliance with SBA’s rules and regulations.
Kresser, Corona & Associates’ underwriting reflects SBA’s current requirements as amended in the 50 10 5(K) version of the SOP 50 10 which took in effect on 4/1/19. We prepare the full application, assure compliant loan structure, perform a full credit analysis and submission of loans in accordance with program criteria and that complies with lender’s credit policy.
Find out how we can help your lending institution.
Schedule a call or an in-person meeting with our Founders.
Call us at (818) 440-0055 or complete the form and we will get back to you.
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